Are you among those who also aspire to continue their studies in law majors? If so, then you must know a lot about the laws that must be upheld in Indonesia. Following is a further review of Law School Curves that you can find out so you can be one step ahead and get the opportunity to be on a well-known campus.
Talking about law majors, this department is one of the favorite majors with the most devotees. In fact, this department is the department with the most stringent competitors because the law in Indonesia has a lot of room for growth. Surely many young people want to uphold justice through their right to become a lawyer, right?
However, did you know that being a lawyer is not only one of the jobs offered by the law department itself? Lots of people in Indonesia think that being a lawyer, as shown on television or on social media, is one of the jobs offered by law majors.
In fact, if you look at the law school Curves index, where there are lots of enthusiasts, it has proven that the job opportunities in the law department are very wide. These professions that are only shown in information and technology media are only a few of the jobs offered by the legal profession. Because the job opportunities themselves are very wide.
For those of you who are currently curious about what job opportunities are offered by law majors in Indonesia, then take a look at the review because from here you can plan and prepare for moving forward. Especially if you can plan it carefully and have many choices if one plan is not implemented properly.
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Job Opportunities for Law Majors when Seen from Law School Curves
1. Become a Reliable Attorney

If you look at the law school Curves index, the demand for law majors will increase every year. One of the reasons that make this department much sought after is the job of being a prosecutor. How could it not be, in Indonesia itself a prosecutor is needed to determine the justice of the charges that have been proven correct.
The role of the prosecutor here is very important, so it is not surprising that a prosecutor will be highly respected by the people of Indonesia. So for those of you who want to become a prosecutor, you have to continue your education up to the Master’s level.
2. Become a Legal Consultant

Apart from being a lawyer and also a prosecutor, in fact, the job of being a legal consultant is also very popular nowadays. For the work itself, it is quite easy because you are only asked to listen to the problems presented by the clients and after that, you can provide the right alternative solutions.
3. Become a Legal Officer

Graduates majoring in law can also become legal officers and these graduates open up great job opportunities for those of you who are currently just graduating from S1. However, being a legal officer, you still have to be able to master and also understand the contents of the Job Creation Law and also Manpower Law.
Now that you understand what the job opportunities are for graduates majoring in law, now you have to understand what the strictness of Law School Curves is like in Indonesia.
Review of the Rigor and Competitiveness of Law School Curves
1. Seen from Each Entry Opportunity

Law school curves majoring in law are very high, so it’s not surprising that law in Indonesia is in great demand and is taken very seriously by students who want to occupy seats on well-known campuses. You can enter through many paths and each path has clearly different conditions and strictnesses. So look for more information so you don’t miss it.
In 2021 the chances of entry for the SNMPTN and SBMPTN pathways also have different strictness, especially when compared to the independent pathways. So you have to be able to monitor for yourself what the strictness of the law department is like at each entrance.
2. Find out the Tightness Curve Index from Each of the Well-Known Campuses

So apart from going through the entry route, you also have to monitor the tightness curve index of each of these campuses yourself. Because the value of the strictness of each campus will be clearly different. Especially on a well-known campus where the value of strictness is definitely very high if you don’t prepare well right away.
Thus this review of Law School Curves in Indonesia, I hope that with this review you can properly prepare the right steps and careful planning to get into a well-known campus in the law department. Moreover, with proper preparation, there will definitely be a big chance for you to be able to pursue the profession you want, right?